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Embodied Awakening - The Undefended Heart - Meditation and Self-Inquiry

Dear Ones,

After a beautiful gathering in November, inquiring into the ways we avoid death, what we hold onto and what is here when all avoiding and holding on dissolves, I would love to investigate further. I invite you to join us as we explore the ways we keep an imagined sense of ourselves separate; the ways we protect an identity we feel needs protection.

I am curious, when you turn the light of awareness into the depths of the heart, can you feel or sense the defenses you hold there? They may be subtle or obvious, perhaps deeply hidden. What emotional energy have you not let yourself feel? What has been the cost?

You may find that the defenses have served an important purpose in the past and this may no longer be necessary.

What if it is possible to get more intimate with the defenses of the heart? To move closer through the layers of thought and projection, emotion and sensation, discovering something fresh as you turn towards instead of away? As you drop all the way through to what you were before you were even born?

What could it feel like to be fully absorbed into the purity and innocence of the undefended heart - beyond any sense of a separate someone needing protection? Where life can unfold effortlessly, the natural rhythm of Love flowing open and free.

And, what could it feel like to know that everyone and everything you see is this same innocence?

We plan to gather by zoom on Saturday December 7th from 10am to 11:30am Mountain time & all are welcome.

9am Pacific Time

5pm/17h - London

6pm/18h - Amsterdam

If you would like to join us, please contact me here: embodied meditation sign up

The gathering is free and donations are accepted here: